DynamoDBStoreOptions are the options for creating a DynamoDBStore


  • DynamoDBStoreOptions


createTableOptions?: Partial<CreateTableCommandInput>

Create the DynamoDB table if it does not exist with OnDemand capacity


⛔️ NOT SUGGESTED ⛔️: this can create the table in many accounts and regions for any developer running the app locally with AWS credentials that have permission to create tables. This is also a bad idea because the least expensive option for relatively stable loads is to use ProvisionedCapacity with Application Auto Scaling configured to adjust the Read and Write capacity.

Set to {} enable creation of the table with default parameters, or specify additional parameters.


undefined - table will not be created
dynamoDBClient?: DynamoDBClient

AWS v3 SDK DynamoDB client, optionally wrapped with XRay, etc.


new DynamoDBClient({})
hashKey?: string

Hash key name of the existing DynamoDB table or name of the hash key to create if the table does not exist and the createTableOptions do not provide a hash key name.

Default Value


prefix?: string

Prefix to add to the sid in the hashKey written to the DynamoDB table.

Default Value


tableName?: string

Name of the DynamoDB table to use (and optionally create)

Default Value


touchAfter?: number

Only update the session TTL on touch events if touchAfter seconds has passed since the last time the session TTL was updated.

Set to 0 to always update the session TTL. - This is not suggested.


Writes on DynamoDB cost 5x as much as reads for sessions < 1 KB.

Writes on DynamoDB cost 20x as much as reads for sessions >= 3 KB and < 4 KB

  • Reading a 3.5 KB session takes 1 RCUs
  • Writing that same 3.5 KB session takes 4 WCUs

Calculating Write Capacity Units - from AWS Docs

Managing settings on DynamoDB provisioned capacity tables

UpdateItem — Modifies a single item in the table. DynamoDB considers the size of the item as it appears before and after the update. The provisioned throughput consumed reflects the larger of these item sizes. Even if you update just a subset of the item's attributes, UpdateItem will still consume the full amount of provisioned throughput (the larger of the "before" and "after" item sizes).



Default Value

3600 (1 hour) or 10% of the ttl if ttl is less than 36,000 (10 hours)

useStronglyConsistentReads?: boolean

Use Strongly Consistent Reads for session reads


Strongly Consistent Reads should rarely be needed for a session store unless the values in the session are updated frequently and they must absolutely be the most recent version (which is very unliley as the most recent write could fail, in which case the session would not be the most recent version...).

Reasons not to use Strongly Consistent Reads:

  • They cost 2x more than Eventually Consistent Reads
  • They can return a 500 if there is a network error or outage
  • They can have higher latency than Eventually Consistent Reads


Default Value


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